Help us impact this generation by joining the Preachers' Circle! Become part of the Preachers' Circle by supporting Raider Catholic with regular monthly donations. With a regular monthly gift, you’re helping form the leaders of the Church and the world! Your donations support and enhance our ongoing programming and the various ministries of Raider Catholic. Your support makes Raider Catholic a "home away from home" - a place where students can rest, study, build relationships, and deepen their faith in Jesus Christ. Your contribution to Raider Catholic is a great help in forming the future of the Church.
We have various levels of giving in which you will receive various forms of prayer from our staff as well as our students as a form of recognition for your generosity. Our levels of giving are as follows:
$1-$49/mo - Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, O.P.: will be included in our rosary for our donors done on the first Saturday of every month
$50-$99/mo - St. Catherine of Siena, O.P.: will be included in our weekly Dinner and a Rosary intentions in addition to the Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati intentions.
$100-$199/mo - St. Martin de Porres, O.P: will be included in a monthly staff novena in addition to the Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati and St. Catherine of Siena intentions.
$200-$499/mo - St. Thomas Aquinas, O.P.: will be included in a group monthly Mass intention during the Student Mass in addition to the Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Martin de Porres intentions.
$500+/mo - St. Dominic de Guzman, O.P: will have one Mass said per month per the intention of the donor. This can be updated as often as you would like, according to the intention desired. In addition, you will be included in the Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Martin de Porres, and St. Thomas Aquinas intentions.
THANK YOU for your donation!